Accounts Payable > Reports > AP EC Tax Distribution Report

AP EC Tax Distribution Report

You use this program to generate a report of Accounts Payable invoice posting transactions, broken down into local, EC and non-EC purchases.

Report Options

Field Description
Reprint Reprints previously printed AP EC tax information according to your selection criteria.

You can only reprint distribution entries for as long you are retaining Tax distribution details (Accounts Payable Setup).

Selection criteria

Selection Description
Invoice date Indicate the invoice date(s) for which to reprint the tax entries.
Journal number Indicate the journal numbers for which to reprint the tax entries.
Tax code Indicate the tax code(s) for which to reprint the tax entries.
Period Indicate the period(s), within the year(s) indicated, for which to reprint the report.
Year Indicate the year(s) for which to reprint the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • The characters *** on the Total calculated tax line of the report indicate that the total calculated tax differs from the company total tax of the report.

    This can be caused by the following:

    • Using Exclusive tax in Accounts Payable and overriding the calculated tax value at the time of entry.

    • Posting Tax only lines in the GL Distribution of the AP Invoice Posting program.

      The calculated tax values are calculated by applying the tax rate of the tax code to the merchandise value. When you post a 'tax only' line, the entire value of the posting is attributed to tax and the merchandise value is 0. This can cause the calculated tax value to differ from the actual tax value that was posted.

      For example:

      Assume Tax code D = 100%

      In AP Invoice posting, post an invoice with a transaction amount of 14.00 and a tax value of 14.00 with a Tax code of D.

      In the GL Distribution of AP Invoice posting, capture a single line for 14.00, Tax code D and enable the Tax only check box.

      When you print the AP Tax Distribution, the Company tax is 14.00.

      The calculated tax is 14% of the merchandise value, but the merchandise value is zero as the entire GL Distribution line was posted as tax.

      The calculated tax is therefore zero, which differs from the Company tax of 14.00.

  • The following report summary details are printed for each tax code at the end of the report:

    Column Description
    Tax code The tax code for which the values on the line are printed.
    Description The description defined against the tax code.
    Tax rate The rate of tax defined against the tax code.
    Merch amount The sum of the values listed against each invoice in the Non-exempt amount column for the specific tax code.

    You can set the Tax amount to equal the Total invoice amount in the AP Invoice Posting program which will set the Non-exempt amount value for the invoice to zero (i.e. zeros are printed in the Non-exempt amount column for that invoice and the entire amount is listed in the Tax amount column).

    Calculated Tax amount

    This is the Merch amount in the summary total line for the specific tax code multiplied by that tax code's Tax rate.

    • Although no rounding is applied to this calculation, rounding is applied to the tax values against each invoice in the Tax amount column (i.e. the value in the Calculated Tax amount column in the summary may not agree to the value in the Tax amount field on the Company totals line).

    • If you set the Tax amount to equal the Total invoice amount in the AP Invoice Posting program, then this amount is not included in the Calculated Tax amount value, but is included in the Tax amount column against each invoice (i.e. apart from rounding differences, the value in the Tax amount field on the Company totals line will not equal the Calculated Tax amount in the summary line).

    • The calculated summary by tax code will be inaccurate if GL Distribution lines were posted with the Tax only option in the GL Distribution pane of the AP Invoice Posting program.

      The tax value on the report is calculated by applying the current tax rate against the Tax code, to the total merchandise value of the GL Distribution lines.

      When you enter Tax only lines, then the merchandise value of the line is zero and the tax value is whatever value you enter in the Amount column.

      The tax value is not a calculated value based on the Tax code which means that it is possible for the summary printed on the tax report not to balance back to the actual tax values entered.

    EC Tax amount

    The sum of the values printed in the Tax on acquisition column.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • This report can only be generated if the EC Vat system is required (Company Tax Options Setup).